游戏乐园 手游攻略 游戏资讯 官方网站 Darkness and Glory

官方网站 Darkness and Glory

时间:2024-04-17 10:20:15 来源: 浏览:150

黑暗与荣耀是一款欧美暗黑魔幻风格冒险 ARPG 手游,由星辉天拓独代,成都星罗互动研发。游戏融合了无限制激斗、多人载具攻城、自由交易、跨服 BOSS 战、公会领地争夺等精彩玩法,让玩家在激烈战斗之余也能享受休闲社交和养宠乐趣。


  • 严谨细致的系统,丰富精彩的 PVE、PVP 玩法
  • 公会与公会间的争霸,千人同屏战斗
  • 巅峰转职觉醒、无限制激斗、自由交易,多种玩法让游戏充满乐趣
  • 三大职业各有特色之余又相互制衡,策略性十足
  • 华丽技能全屏轰炸,场面极尽震撼,视听盛宴


《黑暗与荣耀》是一款由星辉天拓独代,成都星罗互动研发的欧美魔幻题材 3DMMORPG 手游巅峰巨制。游戏采用 Unity3D 引擎技术,配合殿堂级音乐效果,为玩家打造了一个充满欧美 魔幻元素的暗黑异世界。全放开式即时 PK 遭遇战,让你随时随地,爽快暴击!多人载具攻城、公会领地争夺、跨服 BOSS 战,让你享受强交互团战的热血激昂,暗黑魔幻世界等你征服!


  • 黑暗与荣耀官方网站
  • 黑暗与荣耀安卓版下载
  • 黑暗与荣耀手游电脑版下载

生生宇宙 Vast in the universe, teeming with life ever renewed. 往古来今 Time meanders, from antiquity to the present day. 两千五百年,不过是昨夜的故事 A story from 25 centuries ago is but a memory from yestereve. 那一夜,喜马拉雅的星空异常耀眼 On that night, briliant starlight shows the Himalayas; 蓝毗尼园花果妙胜 The gardens of Lumbini wallow in a cormucopia of fruits and flowers... 因为,有个生命将要在此降临 Since the world is on the cusp of a new dawn, a new life is about to be born. 王国终于有了继承人,迦毗罗卫为之沸腾着 The Kingdom has an heir, at last, and Kapilavastu stirs in joy. 悉达多,这是父亲所赐之名 The King names the boy: Siddhartha 意为”成就一切“ “One who accomplishs his ambitions. 这名字既是期待,又仿若预言 It is a wish as much as a prophecy. 伽婆罗卫为尊贵的王子变成了人间天堂 In honour of the baby Prince, the city is draped in paradisiacal jubilation: 轻歌曼舞 Festivities galore, with fanfare of music and dance 仆从如云 And thronging courtiers in attendance. 老国王发誓要让儿子永离忧愁、不见黑暗 The King vows to keep his son forever safe form sorrow and darkness. 然而,那些理应美满睡去的深夜总有一种声音自幽冥中升起 Yet, at night, in the realm of untroubled sleeps, A calling rises from the invisible, 不停地唤醒悉达多心中那难以名状的和声 Plucking a string of unspeakable echo in the heart of Siddhartha. 世界的样貌,真如此美好吗? Is a life so sublime the reality of the world? 那些白日向我欢呼的子民,又如何度此一生? What is it like to live as a common mortal? To be one of those who hail me in reverence? 人间以它最真实的面目渐渐展现在王子面前: The true side of reality begins to unfold before his eyes: 生的哀苦,老的悲凉,病的折磨 The throes of birth, the miseries of aging, the ordeals of sickness 以及那不可逃脱的死亡与无常 The inescapable death and inconstancy of fate... 悉达多再也无法高高骑在马上 Siddhartha cannot stay a lofty royal on a horseback. 他步伐沉重 He dismounts and plods on, 每经过一处苦难, As if carrying a heavy burden, 便仿佛要将这苦全部背上了自己的双肩 Of each and every suffering he has seen. 生命短暂如萤火, Transient is life, a firefly‘s glow. 富贵转瞬成浮云 So are worldly desirables, a fleeting cloud... 这一切苦难无常 Nothing is permanent, everything is in flux. 将如何解脱? What is there to deliver us from the pain that results? 生命 What is the purpose of life? 就是为了这高高台阶之上的荣华与权力吗? To attain power and glory on the hallowed of the palace? 就是为了接受更多人的朝拜与敬仰吗? To be worshipped and exalted by a greater crowd of subjects? 不,这不是我要的答案。 No, this is not the answer I seek. 我的答案绝不在此。 This is not where my ambition ends. 望着睡梦中的娇妻,尚不懂别离的幼子 His cherished wife is fast asleep; his baby boy has yet to understand farewell. 悉达多的心挣扎着 Siddhartha is torn. 提出千万个不要离去的理由 For each reason to go, he knows myriad reasons to stay. 世间大梦,虽甜蜜而短暂 Dreams are sweet, but they are short-lived. 万物千情,终将生灭聚散 All being and all feelings-They come and go,be and cause to be, in the end. 日渐苍老的父亲 Father is turning older by the day; 襁褓中的儿子 My son is a bundle of nascent life, 都已踏上衰老 But both are on the journey of aging, 与死亡的路途 And demise awaits both at the far end. 死后难道是永久的长眠? Is death the sleep that one never wakes from? 亲情难道是永不能相见? Is death the line beyond which loved ones will never meet? 这一切如何解脱? How to be released from this perpetual bind? 我要去寻找那解脱的答案。 The answer to this question I must find. 世界辽远,众生沉沦 The vast world, home to struggling beings, 一切真实开始尽情呈现: Starts to tell its unadorned tales: 凋敝、悲苦、杀戮...... The destitution and desolation, the discontent and distress, the death and decimations... 远行者的华服沾上了泥污 As stains of erathly truth crawl on his fine attire and royal shoes. 战场边缘 On the edge of battleground, 年轻的王子断去长发 The young Prince, shorn of his hair. 昔日的悉达多已在这里死去 Dies as Siddhartha of the past 行者乔达摩从此诞生 And is reborn, as Gautama the mendicant. 这是一个无比坚忍的历程 This is a trying journey of the highest order, 从灵魂到肉体 Tossing the soul and its vehicle to the turbulent river, 从有悟到迷执 Of grasping and detachment, frustrations and awakenings, 缘起缘尽,劫波无穷 Of karma and cycles.(06:19) 乔达摩,这个智慧的先行者 Onward treks Gautama the sage, the pathfinder, 为众生行走着 In search of answers for all sentient beings. 但,困惑仍在: But the ultimate answer remains elusive: 真正的解脱何时到来? The true deliverance-where is it? When it dawn? 雪域之巅或许有他想要的答案 The answer may lie in the mysitc summit of the world of the snow. 行者乔达摩坐了下来 Gautama settles into seated comtemplation. 任风抽打赤裸的身体 He subjects his body, unclothed, to the punishing elements of the inclement climes. 让饥饿拷问尖叫的心灵 And his spirit, in the raw, to the ravages of hunger and deprivation. 三千大千世界 Across the multiverse of three thousand realms, 亿万斯年 In an eternity of untold years, 此身此识 This body of mine, and the consciousness within - 从何处来?往何处灭? Whence does it come? Where dose it end? 然而苦修并未成为解开困惑的钥匙 The ascetic way offers no key to unlock the mysteries 困惑一再急切地唤他上路... And the unresolved mysteries beckon him to press on. 清香的乳糜唤醒了他干涸的嘴唇 As the sweet milk pudding moistens his parched lips, 疲惫的行者在久违的阳光中醒来 The worn-out mendicant wakes up to the sunlight. Embracing him like a long-lost friend. 身体发肤,当真是我们存世的真相吗? Is the physicality of the body a true manifestation of my existence? 舍掉人间安逸,便可证得无上至道吗? Is rejection of worldly comforts of sufficient for oneness with Ultimate Truth? 我将回到原点,那个无所不包的圣域 To where I began I shall return, to the all-encompassing realm of sanctity, 那里有迷途前的初心...... To what I set out to achieve, before clouds of confusion obscured the way forward. 尼连禅河的清水,仿佛我们出生前安睡的梦河 The limpid water of the Nairanjananadi, the river of dreams 我们曾从那里醒来 That cradled us in her fold before we were born 坠入人世 Is where we roused and tumbled into the mortal world. 渡过尼连禅河的乔达摩来到菩提树下 Having crossed the Nairanjananadi, Gautama sits himself under the Bodhi Tree 心中发下最后的誓言: A fianl oath he swears: 我今若不证无上大菩提 From this seat I shall not rise. The perfect Wisdom meets my eyes; 宁可碎此身 I am ready to accept my decease, 终不起座 But my quest shall not cease. 混沌,光明,贪欲 Chaos, luminescene, greed, 妄想,烦恼,执念 Fantasies, vexations, attachments, 生死轮回,苦海浮沉 Iterations of the Samsara, bumpy voyages on the sea of dukkha... 心中的一切挂碍,那些横亘于心的一切景象 All the impediments that clog the mind, all the projections that rule the heart- 它无生亦无灭 As they begin not, so they end not. 因缘起灭 Causal phenomena come and go. 娑婆世界 In the Saha World that we inhabit, 须臾生死 Life-death is but a thing of transience, 皆为幻影 Insubstantial like a mirage or a shadow.

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